
TBT*s Ultimate Band Show

Here's a little sum'sum' from our friends at tbt*

If you've got plans on May 2, cancel them. Because Soundcheck is gonna rock your trousers off.

Tbt*'s third annual Ultimate Music Showcase is set for 6 p.m. to midnight, May 2 at Skipper's Smokehouse, with performances by The Beauvilles, Geri X., Tailgunner Joe and the Earls of Slander, Triptico, Will Quinlan and the Diviners, and Have Gun, Will Travel. Tickets are $5 in advance, $10 day of show. Get 'em here. Last year's concert was a wild affair, so don't miss this one.

You've also got about a week left to vote in tbt*'s Ultimate Local Band Contest. Right now Triptico holds a pretty good lead over Geri X and Bluegrass Parlor Band, but there's still a week to make your voice heard. Go here to vote.

And as a refresher, we've just uploaded 10 new songs by our 10 Ultimate Local Bands for 2009. Click here to listen to them all in our player.

Once more, from the top: These are tbt*'s 10 Ultimate Local Bands for 2009. If you haven't listened to them yet, you owe it to yourself to do so.

The Basiqs
The Beauvilles
Bluegrass Parlor Band
Geri X.
Have Gun, Will Travel
Select Start
Tailgunner Joe and the Earls of Slander

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