
We need YOUR vote!

Have you ever pondered upon the question: What is your favorite band? It is usually very hard and frustrating to decide and you tend to rank them by genre, and even like that you end up with more than one. Well, tbt* just tried to answer this question and came up with a top 9 called Ultimate Locals.

Today they released their annual music issue featuring over 150 bands. Within those bands there's an article about us, talking a little about our history and what we're all about. We encourage all of you to pick it up (it's FREE) and give it a read. The article was written by our good friend Julie Garisto so you know it's well written.

Ok, but back to the Ultimate Locals thing....

Tbt* is holding a contest called "tbt*s 3rd Annual Ultimate Local Band Contest" conveniently enough. Through this contest, they're inviting everyone and anyone to vote once a day for their favorite out of the 9 chosen. You're allowed one daily vote per e-mail account. The voting starts TODAY (March 20) until April 26th. That means that if you vote every day we get 27 votes just from the goodness of your heart.

So please, take a second and register to vote. We made history with the first black president, we can continue to do so with the first Hispanic band making it. It's all about minorities this year. Voting is completely free and non-hazardous. Some say its even tax deductible.

If you do vote (or should I say: WHEN you do vote...), let us know and we'll send you a very special thank you note. Along with candy and happiness. We'll even do your laundry and mow your grass.

To vote, visit:


You can also check out the article online at:


An you can submerse yourself in our music at:


Once again, thank you and we love you.


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