
Triptico Is No More

I stand here to inform you with great sadness that Triptico is no more. Due to inconsolable artistic differences we have decided to step aside and pursue our personal goals instead. Also, the three of us are going through a transitional period in our lives and find it nearly impossible to devote the time and effort needed for a band to stay alive and exciting. Regardless, we will continue with our professional career paths and who knows, maybe we’ll get back together if the stars align. But for the moment, we find it is best to step off stage.

Needless to say, we have thoroughly enjoyed the ride - all the great bands and promoters we met along the way, and our ever-loving friends (I don’t like to use the word “fans”). All of you that made it to our shows in spite of the crappy sound checks, the broken strings, and the many, many mistakes on stage should belong to some kind of mural to which people bring flowers to. The unconditional support we’ve received from the media and local music supporters is not left unappreciated. We’re forever grateful for everything you’ve done.

However, there are still a few things to look forward from the band. We will continue with the production of our album merely as a legacy for all we’ve done. When it is finished, it will be released for free through our website. If you’d like a copy of it, please let us know. Also, we’ve made a documentary with three amazingly kind friends who worked hard to expose the creative process behind Triptico.

In the future, we will continue to be involved in the world of music and design individually. I recently started an audio podcast called The Fantasticast and will continue to explore the world of music one way or another. Also, my brother Alex and I have recently finished our college studies and will embark into the professional world of Graphic Design. You can check Alejandro’s work by visiting www.alejandrovaldivia.net and my work at www.gabrielvaldivia.com. James will continue to pursue his career in advertising and can be found occasionally at the YMCA playing videogames and ping-pong with kids - a noble profession indeed.

As a farewell, we’ll be performing at the Cuban Club in Ybor City (2010 N Avenue Republica de Cuba) along with the Grammy nominated percussionist Sammy Figueroa and other great bands like Acho Brother and Cukiara. We hope to see you there for a final celebration of our music and a massive thank you from us to all of you. Click here for more information.

Please direct all love letters to contact@tripticoband.com and all hate mail to jon@groundupfilms.com. It will be greatly appreciated.

With love,

Gabe and Triptico