
Triptico in your stereo!

Alright guys, here we are with happy news.

In view of the latest trend to like our music (who knew?), we have decided to finally push trough and come up with an album!

Yeah, that's right....

We're working hard in what we hope will be a surprising production for most of you. We're approaching every song from a different perspective: you absolutely, without question, have to sing along to our songs at the next show after the album is out!

Having said this, we are currently in the difficult process of selecting which songs to include on the album and which songs we should discard. If you're familiar with our music, if you know pieces of the songs you would like to hear on this record, let us know, and we'll do our best to open a spot on the CD for it!

We would like to encourage you to continue to encourage us, like you've been doing so well, but most importantly, we want to shout out our humongous, not-too-shy, thank you! Thank you, you, yeah you, going to our show, yeah, you playing alongside us, getting paid $20 a night and still staying at 2:00 am on a Tuesday to watch our performances, yeah, you, doing it for free... thanks.

We'll keep you posted, but that's all for now.


Tbt* Ultimate Locals

I'm proud to announce that the following musical acts will be honored as tbt* Ultimate Locals in the March 20 music issue:

Have Gun, Will Travel
Will Quinlan and the Diviners
Tailgunner Joe and the Earls of Slander
Geri X
The Beauvilles
The Bluegrass Parlor Band
Select Start
The Basiqs

Tbt* will be doing an online poll this year to see which band gets the most votes. The band with the most votes will likely get to headline the show at Skipper's on May 2, and will have the opportunity to play on the Plaza at the St Pete Times Forum before a concert.

The issue comes out March 20, and the show is scheduled for May 2 at Skipper's Smokehouse.

Though this is not a Grammy, it is the highest level of recognition we've ever received. We are extremely honored and can't find enough words to show our appreciation. It happened so suddenly we barely had time to write a thank you note. So we'll take this moment to attempt to write one. If you feel you have something to say, please go ahead and add to it.

Thank you tbt*.
Thank you to all who clapped, cheered, or raised your beers for our songs.
Thanks to those who payed to enter one of our shows, whether it was to see us or one of the bands we played with.
Thanks to the ones who visit our myspace page and/or website.
Thank you to those who comment on it.
Thank you to the great bands and promoters we've had and continue to have the pleasure to work with.
Thanks to everyone who's ever had anything to do with the many different incarnations of the band.
Thanks to every member of this group.
Thank you for reading this.
Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you again.